Thursday, May 2, 2013

Female Ejaculation - What they Don't Teach You in School

When it comes to a ladies pleasure, there are many ways you can ignite her arousal. However, few women have the gratification of experiencing the full capacity of pleasure and it is not something taught in school. Many women have solely clitoral arousal, and are left with the rest of the labia, inner uterine walls and gspot untouched.

Many guys wish they knew how to pleasure a woman, and many women have been programmed to believe that it is not possible for them! But ladies, I’m telling you, it is totally possible for you and ALL of women to not only consider having a female ejaculation, but experiencing it to the point of having them all the time.  And once the ball starts rolling, it doesn’t stop (unless you’ve abstained for a while from sexual interaction, and by then you’ll need to open the gates again as though it’s your first time).

When it comes to self pleasure, or pleasuring another woman, you want to get the outer lips aroused and awakened. Then you want to ignite the inner lips, outer labia, inner labia, and the skin attaching to the clitoris, but never touching the tip right away. Many women have all sorts of ways of enjoyment for this part of their body, and it is their body, so you want to first ask and then listen. Don’t go into this part of her body expecting that you know everything and that you know what she wants in that very moment. She may change what she desires every time you’re together, and if you go into the experience acting as though you’re the master of HER body, you may be left frustrated that you never turned her on. This is where listening, true listening, is most important.

After you’ve relaxed her on the outside, you want to get in contact with her inside, but ONLY after she’s been aroused and feels ready for you to do so. If she starts asking you, then you know she’s really ready, but if possible, make her wait a little bit. A little frustration on her end is good for her, it makes her more ready and aroused than she might be if you dove in before she was ready. So pay attention to her body, and listen.

For every woman, she has a special spot on the inside of her yoni, at the top; like the roof of the mouth that has the same or similar consistency as the skin inside the mouth. But it will be either hard or gushy and like a ball that you can push forward and back. If its firm then it may mean she’s never had her gspot massaged before, or in a while. Her layers need some coaxing to relax and become soft.

The best way to relax her gspot:
You’ll want to start with firm pressure pulling up, almost towards yourself as though you are lifting a basketball with one finger. The middle finger is often the best to use for its thickness in holding the point and its width that you’ll be sure you’re on the right spot.  You may need to search around until you find the right spot, and every woman’s special spot is located differently inside her body. It could be close to the main entry, or all the way deep inside, so make your adjustments as you need and stick to the goal. After you’ve found it, and after you’ve placed pressure here, you’ll want to slide in and out while placing pressure. It will probably hurt her at first, and you’ll want to sooth her by letting her know she is loved, safe and very beautiful.  If it doesn’t hurt her all the better, but if its firm and hard most likely it will be.  From here you want to be creative. Massage the outside at the same time you’re massing the inside, perhaps go back and forth or continue mutually.  Once she has one cliteral orgasm, she is getting closer to having a gspot orgasm, and even closer to having an ejaculation.

If you feel small amounts of water releasing you’ll know she’s beginning to open up the floodgates, and soon she’ll be releasing water all over the place. You want to be sure you have at least one large towel; two or three is preferable as your woman might have a lot to let go of.  You can fold the towel over in corners and turn it as she gets each side soaked.  If she doesn’t get the towel that wet, it’s ok. She’s on her way to her joyous pleasure and having you for a coach and lover is her greatest treat!

Ladies, if you are doing this alone, be sure you have candles lit, incense burning, and a nice crystal for your spiritual enlightenment and energy clearing. If you have emotions come up, you might want to pause and place a hand over your heart taking deep breaths into the belly.  Be sure your phone is off and you are taking your full attention on loving yourself. You don’t want to be in the middle of an orgasm or squirting water and have the phone ringing or someone knocking on your door.  Always place a sign out your door, PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB, and give your whole energy to you! You deserve it, and now is your time. Whoever they are, and whatever they want, it can certainly wait!

If anyone has any questions, or needs further coaching, feel free to write to me at or find me at

Blessings and Namaste~

(See copy at

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